Walking Dead Fear the Hunters

Author: Robert Kirkman
Illustrators: Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Genre: Sci-Fi, Horror
Original publication date: January 2010
Boo description from Good REads: No one is safe in the aftermath of the most shocking Walking Dead storyline yet! The remaining survivors continue the road to Washington DC, but not everyone will make it out alive! Collecting issues #61-66


This is the eleventh volume in a series, so I feel it is pointless to try not to spoil anymore. Be aware, this will not shy away from giving spoilers!

We continue to follow Rick and his companions, as they make their way towards Washington DC. 
On the road things are a bit better between the group, not a smooth sail but the friction has lessen a bit and then BAM, something happens!

They stop to rest and one of the twins, well goes crazy, the group doe snot know what to do about it, everyone has their own opinions about it. He is a small boy, might not know what he has done, he doesn't regret or even thinks what he did was wrong which alarms the group greatly. Andrea and Dale lose their heads against the rest of the group.

But then more things start to happen, the twins end up dead, both of them, the group is busy pointing fingers and trying to find the guilty party. Rick is biased and he knows exactly what happens even if he pretends not to. Its obvious who the perpetrator was!

The group is trying to figure out what to do when they run into a priest, he looks so out of place, full-on robes, no weapons, the word of God is his only salvation kind of thing. It does look hard to imagine.

With all their distractions, they lose another member of their group and waste even more time trying to find him. Dale is missing, he is returned to them, the people who took them are "monsters" but the group is even worse than them!!

The good old priest might be coming to regret joining this group.

We see a lot of struggles, it is very real, the children in the group are the ones that surprise you the most, and yet it shouldn't. Children can be awfully cruel in normal society, supposedly because they only see things from their own perspective, they do not try to see things from others and simply d not measure the consequences their actions might have so they worst actions can be committed without almost any regret and when things start to become real they lash out in anger. Just like we see happen here.

Their group suffered a great loss but they got back the fuel they were missing, they are united once more and willing to take down anyone else who is not them if they feel a threat coming their way!

Sidenote: I am going to try to schedule my reading for the remainder of the year, but it might not be possible to finish the series this next few months as I already have a steady list of things to get to before 2021,  but I will try to get a huge chunk out of the way so I can finish it in the first few months of 2021.
But from now on, my reviews for them are all going to contain mild spoilers like this one ;) 


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