Not racist, antiracism. Try to be better!

There has been a lot going on in the last couple of weeks and some people don't know how to react, some organizations also doubt and make questionable decisions. By now, it should not be an issue, we have lived in shadow, we have been raised among racism, sexism and other prejudices for such a long time, humanity really needs to ascend from that. 

I am going to be frank I have not been doing much, I have never thought much about it, you live in a place where you don't see it and in your own mind you are not racist but simply not being racist is not enough anymore. 
There is a huge talk of protests, of signing petitions, of speaking up.
Do it!
Speak your mind, encourage others to change their views, but not just change in the way to post a few things against racism change in your lifestyle.
Educate the people around you, especially educate those children who are going to the society of oncoming years. The fact that you are not "affected", by that I mean you are not the target community does not mean that you can just turn the other way.

I am not feeling guilty for what's going on, for I believe I have not participated in racism or any exclusion of any type but that is not something to be proud of either. I am simply not in a position to see it happen or to intervene, but make sure to not spread the stereotypical slander of other communities.

*Do not partake in jokes made at expense of others based on their skin color, their sexuality, their belief or economic status. As I said I don't do this but simply not doing it is not enough.
If after centuries society as a whole has not improved it means that a passive approach is no longer possible. 

*Actively fight slander, slurs, passing remarks. Stop people from saying it even if they "don't mean it", if that's aggravating, if you don't mean to say it then don't use that type of language, don't teach younger people to see the world that way. 

There has been plenty of situations, not only in the US where people are victims of racism be it in work, school or places of leisure if the society in their vast majority were against it and spoke up against it right there when its happening instead of just making a video and raging all over the internet we would be in a better place. No, the best choice is to always stop it at the moment. Make the person who is partaking this attitude reconsider; call them out so they don't continue to behave like that. 

There are a lot of different options depending on what you want to start with. Please let's just stop doing nothing.

I am sure there are a lot of resources to be found, you can right now google and sign petitions if you are in a country where there as peaceful protest, you can go and support but the best thing we can do is prepare a better mindset for the future.

Let's change your views from I am not racist and the most hateful: minding only your own business!
No, the issue is not resolved by simply not doing anything if you live with the philosophy of respecting other people's point of view even if they are wrong, you are in a way contributing!

I have seen people recommend plenty of sources, but there is no need to create more and yet in case you have been struggling on what to read I'll leave a few suggestions below for anyone who is interested.

Nonfiction book you should check out:

*Stamped from the beginning a definitive history of racist ideas in America by Ibram X. Kendi

* White rage the unspoken truth of our racial Divide by Carol Anderson

*When they call you a terrorist a black lives matter memoir by Patrisse Khan-Cullos

So another site that also has great recommendations

Race, Crime, and the Making of Modern Urban America
By Khalil Gibran Muhammad

*How to be antiracist by Ibram X Kendi

*So you want to talk about race by Ijeoma Oluo

*I know why the caged bird sings, by Maya Angelou 

*The fire next time by James Baldwin

*White fragility: Why its so hard for white people to talk about racism by Robin Diangelo

Book for Children

Resources for White Parents to Raise Anti-Racist Children:
Five Pandemic Parenting Lessons With Cindy Wang Brandt
Fare of the Free Child Podcast
PBS’s Teaching Your Child About Black History Month
The Conscious Kid: follow them on Instagram

Fiction books for Teens

I repeat my earlier argument as I think it has not being said enough!!

There are a lot of different options depending on what you want to start with. Please let's just stop doing nothing. Take an active part in fighting discrimination, racism, sexism any sort of discrimination must be stopped and it will not happen on its own. Please let's all add our effort.

I am sure there are a lot of resources that can be accessed, you can right now google and sign petitions if you are in a country where there as peaceful protest, you can go and support but the best thing we can do is prepare a better mindset for the future.

Let's change your views from I am not racist and the most hateful: minding only your own business!
No, the issue is not resolved by simply not doing anything if you live with the philosophy of respecting other people's point of view even if they are wrong, you are in a way contributing!


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