Royal Assassin

Author: Robin Hobb
Series: Farseer Trilogy #2
Genre: Fantasy
Original publication date: March 1996
Book description: Regal’s treasonous attempt to usurp the Six Duchies throne from his half-brother Verity has been foiled. Now, as Fitz recovers slowly from the foul poison administered to him, the King’s Fool prophesies:
‘We are here, Fitz, you and I,
to change the future and the world…’


After the poisoning attempt, Fitz is hurt in more ways than one. His self-esteem is in the ground, he mopes and dwells on his slow recovery. At the beginning of this book, he gets back in good graces with his mentor Burrich. Then as it progresses and we see Fitz struggle with his identity, to dictate his loyalty and what to do with life; he faces struggles with other relationships, Molly, Chade, the fool, King Shrewd, lady Patience, everything is shifting and he must define his path.
This segment of the story is full of drama, but you get caught up in it and it makes a very compelling situation, it's a book that you will have a hard time putting down.
Sidenote: I did feel it was very long not because as soon as I started to read and things started to happen you feel the need to know how it will be resolved, Fitz starts with a light drizzle but it soon starts to add up and his struggles seem more like a flood.
Definitely unlucky do not buy any lottery tickets, you definitely are in a rough patch.

Fitz is dragged into more political intrigue, the royal family's expectations from him grow, Regal is still making his life as difficult as possible, King Shrewd is no help at all as usual Fitz must make ends meet on his own.

We see a few friends made, most people to work with but no real friendships. There is finally some romance blossoming, you do get to see several stages of it among the different couples springled here. We see a few troupes that annoy such as communication issues, one of them is understandable. Fitz is a royal assassin, that kind of secret cannot be revealed lightly, Fitz is making sacrifices for the love of his life but said love has no idea and just sees him as a coward. Lady Patience long lost love is revealed, I did not see that coming at all. And we have the King in Waiting and his Queen who could have a perfect marriage if they simply sat down and spoke, but life never gives them much of a chance and then when they have the time they never do.

The story took a more political aspect and Fitz life became more complicated, he had a few moments of doubt, and the realization of the oath he took finally dawned on him. He has no control over his life, not who he marries, not where he lives and people cannot know the services he is doing for his kingdom so he is destined to be alone. He struggles as he tries to have his real life, pursue a relationship with the young woman he likes and yet sway but not reject outright the courtship with the daughter of an important man, a courtship he has accepted (by him we mean the king accepted on his behalf and he can't refuse it).  As mentioned before this is pure drama, one thing happening after the other, Regal is very smart and quickly became the character I like the least, I am close to hate at this point. It is infuriating that people love him and even those who do not underestimate him and don't open their eyes to the real malice he hides.
And overall, that ending, what he is forced to do and endure as a consequence of Regal, that is wow. I find it hard to explain and can't wait to get to the next one. I can't say much but I was surprised.


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