Graphic novel/Comic series started recently

Kingsman the secret service 

Authors: Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons (Illustrator)
Series: The secret service #1-6
Genre: Comic
Original publication date: 2012
Book description: The world's greatest secret agent is on the most exciting case of his career. But will the end of the world as know it take a back seat to train his street-punk nephew to be the next James Bond? meanwhile, what's the secret link between a series of kidnapped sci-fi stars, the murder of an entire town, and a dark secret from inside Mount Everest? Under Uncle Jack's supervision, Gary's spy skills and confidence blossom--but when the duo learn what's behind the celebrity kidnappings, the knowledge comes at a price. The conspiracy begins to unravel, but who can be trusted when so many prominent figures seem to be involved?


I obviously picked this book very smartly as I have already had plenty of series started but oh well. But it is after all found in my Kindle. It was a bit of a mistake as the Kindle version is a very bad one. I highly recommend finding it elsewhere.  The panels do not show completely, some have the image missing. They were showing the text, that was very odd.
Very unlucky but then again this was a free of charge comic still it was very disappointing. Just as advice, if you have a kindle, browse there once in a while you can find free books, every few weeks they change those who are being sold at $0.0.
So yeah it was no big deal, I tried to download the comic several times until I gave up and finished reading with some pages missing the pictures.

It is an action-filled, a bit exaggerated. We follow Gary, he is the typical super good at everything he does with no previous training he is a natural t fighting and being Spy. I was rolling my eyes in certain parts of the training, the spy training includes a few lessons o seduction, we have men who have absolutely no hardships to pick up women and have them spill their intimate secrets. I don't know this seems very ridiculous.
It felt very predictable, we have the horrid past, an abusive family, a stepfather who see the behavior is deplorable. Having children around drugs and alcohol, and of course, Gary grew up there, with no limitation, a bad student, getting into trouble, and expecting to have others get him out of his troubles.
Gary does mature and accepts his own limitations, the consequences of his actions get a bit more sure of himself and rises above his station, he decides to improvise his own and his family's lives but his behavior does not feel very realistic.

In the end, it was an easy read and advised if you want something action-filled and a bit funny as you will laugh at the ridiculous situations or have a good time.

I might continue to the next issue and decide if making my way through the series complete it or give it up.

The other comic I got for Free from Kindle was:

Sunstone vol 1
Author: Stjepan Šejić
Series: Sunstone #1
Publication date: November 2011
Book description: Lisa's tastes were always...unique. Longing to be restrained, without restrain. Lisa always felt like something was missing from her love life─until she met Ally. Ally was implacably ordinary─successful job, nice house, an average childhood─except for her preference for bedroom domination.


This describes the way Lisa and Ally get to know each other. The one thing I dislike is that we get the knowledge that the relationship has needed. It begins like that, you get to know that it is done and then we get the start as a recollection of the meeting and get together. That makes me enjoy it a little less as I am just seeing the story start to develop but I know it ended.

They both seem very likable women, the only distinguishable trait is their likes on the bedroom. It's strange how they both are described as inexperienced in submissive-dominant sexual adventures, with no previous attraction or sexual experience in woman-woman and yet they are very courageous and seem to click together very easily and thoroughly enjoy their experience.

Not sure what I feel, there is no real plot, we simply follow Ally and Lisa as they are jumping right into a sexual relationship with no contemplation of a romantic relationship or labels of any kind.

It is a very simple, character-driven story with no overall plot but if you enjoy romance this is a good story to look into. In case it's useful, it does not go into details of sex scenes, it simply shows a few snips here and then and then blacks out to come back the next morning, at least so far.


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