Life inside my mind

Editor:Jessica Burkhart
Severa authors.
Original publication date: April 2018
Description: Life Inside My Mind is an anthology of true-life events from writers of this generation, for this generation. It takes aim at ending the shame of mental illness. With the intention of providing hope to those who are suffering, awareness to those who are witnessing a friend or family member battle mental illness, and opening the floodgates to conversations about mental illness, Side Effects tackles the stigmas around mental illness in a new and refreshing way.


You can't put a rating on other people's experiences and can't say if what they are doing is the best option as you are different people and each person may respond to different tactics, but I really enjoy reading this and yet not.

It is a short book, but I had to take several breaks from it, if you are susceptible you might get anxious while reading other people's experiences, with some you will connect more than others, as I said before each person reacts differently. 

the main take away from the collection

  • You are not alone, many people suffer different types of mental health issues.
  • Ther is nothing to be ashamed of.
  • Seek help!
  • Trying until you find what works for you is the only way to go, some people here take medication, others simply take it for a little while and then stop. For this type of decision working with an expert is the best course of action. 

If you have suffered or if you are suffering from stress even or feel you are not sure what's going on, with yourself, seek help, sometimes therapy is the thing we need.

Other tips are given
  • Meditation, this might not work for everyone but hey nothing does.
  • Working out
  • Taking walks
  • Changing your lifestyle and stop putting so much pressure on yourself. Easier said than done really. 

This is not a book that will help you suddenly not be anxious, depressed or stressed, this is the proof that others have been there and have struggled some have already overcome (to the best of their abilities, it is not a switch to be turned on and off), learned to live with it or who are trying their damn hardest and will continue to do so!

I hope this reaches people when they really need help and if they can't make their mind up about seeking therapy, medication, or any kind of professional help, this gives the push to actually do so. 

Be aware that the people who wrote this are amazing at what they do, you actually feel anxious as you read each work, especially if they decide to describe how they felt when they ere in the hardest part of their struggle. 


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