Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches

Author: Audre Lorde
Narrator: Robin Eller
Genre: Nonfiction
Original publication date: June 1984
Book Description (from Scribd): Presenting the essential writings of black lesbian poet and feminist writer Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider celebrates an influential voice in twentieth-century literature. In this charged collection of fifteen essays and speeches, Lorde takes on sexism, racism, ageism, homophobia, and class, and propounds social difference as a vehicle for action and change. Her prose is incisive, unflinching, and lyrical, reflecting struggle but ultimately offering messages of hope. This commemorative edition includes a new foreword by Lorde scholar and poet Cheryl Clarke, who celebrates the ways in which Lorde's philosophies resonate more than twenty years after they were first published


This is a very compelling writing style and it covers very impactful topics, it not just the theme but the way it was expressed.

We have feminism, social justice, or making the world a better place, it urges women to stop hating on one another, to stop helping oppression in any way; be it from Females on black females, black females on lesbians, be it from heterosexuals looking down on homosexuals, be it form people of color or Latinos or anyone being discriminated against by their race, by their beliefs. Stop participating in the vicious cycle how can you call your self a defender of rights and yet there are those who you still look down upon or simply judge on stereotypes those around them, but they are feminists or antiracists, get rid of stereotypes of all of them!

It is a very true statement, many people fight for the rights, for equality, against discrimination but only as far as they are affected or as far as people they know and care about.


The most dangerous belief is when you start to ostracize another group, stop! Being feminist does not mean to hate men, it means to be on equal grounds, it means that you do not approve of oppression to them or any other group because of their nationality, race, social status, people with different beliefs than you in any way. It is astonishing how a Feminist woman can still be prejudiced against same-sex couples, against blacks, or Muslims. Really? You want to stop women from being discriminated yet you are behaving the same way towards another group, the only difference is that it is not affecting you directly. Argh, that is so aggravating, so frustrating to me!

It does touch different topics and this is just a compilation it would have been amazing to have a more cohesive path from one of the works to another, but it was still very interesting, as this is a mix of essays and some made in a different point of the author's life, they have different styles between one to the next. But that is something you get used to after a few minutes, though it doe shape each time that one piece is done and the next begins.

One sentence is integrated in my mind because I have seen it popping out in different influencers, it is not the duty of the homosexual to educate the heterosexual, it is not the duty of blacks to educate whites and other races, it is not their duty to show those who are different from them the struggles and hardships they face.

That is something so very true, everyone has a mind of their own, people know basic rights and morality is something everyone has at least a passing knowledge of, humans do not need to have people point out the way some groups are wronged, everyone should be able to see it for themselves. Some people just choose to turn a blind eye to it.

Do no sin with the excuse of ignorance. Open your eyes, it is everywhere.


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