Books recommended by word of the day Week 1

So this is an idea I saw this on Booktube it has been done from words recommended by subscribers, from random words, or from a dictionary.
So this week we took the word of the day and make a recommendation based on that, some words are taken very literally others are a bit harder to therefore a few liberties were taken for the interpretation.
As a general rule: No repeating. There are books that could be used for my different buzzwords but we will use each book only once.

Definition: the force required to cause one body in contact with another to begin to move.

The book I'm going to pick here is Catching fire by Suzanne Collins This is the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy. We see Katniss wanting nothing but be left alone and to forget the games ever happened but President Snow, the boiling pressure from the districts forces her to pick herself up and barely give her time to catch up with what's going on.

Definition: borne, deposited, produced, or eroded by the wind.
For this, I recommend The host by Stephenie Meyer where a group of rebel humans are hiding in a collection of caves and grooves that were probably created as a result of eolian. I like the way the alien life is described.

1 a: anxiety arising from awareness of guilt
b: distress of mind over an anticipated action or result
2: a twinge of misgiving: scruple.

So for this any depiction of OCD or anxiety I have several that come to mind but I'll go with a very basic choice ;)
Turtles all the way down by John Greene this follows a girl who struggles and most learn to live with obsessive-compulsive thoughts.

1: to cause to assume a given posture: pose
2: to assume a posture; especially: to strike a pose for effect
3: to assume an artificial or pretended attitude: attitudinize

So for this one, I am going to recommend two books, one is a memoir Alek: My life from Sudanese Refugee to international supermodel by Alek Wek this tells the life story of living in a country plagued by civil wars, running to a foreign land, getting swept into fashion, and her rise being most notable due to her non-Europen looks.

And the second one Pricing beauty the making of a fashion model by Ashley Mears this is a study of modeling, as an industry but from a sociology P.O.V. to explore the economics and politics—and the arbitrariness— behind the business of glamour. Exploring a largely hidden arena of cultural production, she shows how the right “look” is discovered, developed, and packaged to become a prized commodity. She examines how models sell themselves, how agents promote them, and how clients decide to hire them.

the act or result of rendering something: such as
For this one, the definition of surrender to the law the first book that comes to mind is the confession by John Grisham this story is about Travis an old man who is released in Parole from prison. He learns of the oncoming execution of a young African American man who was convicted for the murder and rape of a classmate when they were both in high school. He was charged and went to trial as an adult and was sentenced to death. Travis wants to save him for he knows the man they are about to kill is innocent, he is the real culprit. No one is willing to listen to an old man, especially with the revolts taking place as people are protesting the execution of the young man who has always claimed to be innocent. 

Definition: governed or characterized by caprice : impulsive, unpredictable.

For this, I pick Heartless by Marissa Meyer this is an origin story for the queen of hearts from Alice in Wonderland. We follow the story of Cath who has a very regular life except that the King wants her to marry him and that her parents are overjoyed. CAth o the other hand wishes for nothing but to be a baker.

Definition: to support or argue for (a cause, policy, etc.): to plead in favor of.

For this, I will pick a very short non-fiction book I am trying to get to soon: Breathe a letter to my sons by Imani Perry.
Emotionally raw and deeply reflective, Imani Perry issues an unflinching challenge to society to see Black children as deserving of humanity. She admits fear and frustration for her African American sons in a society that is increasingly racist and at times seems irredeemable. However, as a mother, feminist, writer, and intellectual, Perry offers an unfettered expression of love--finding beauty and possibility in life--and she exhorts her children and their peers to find the courage to chart their own paths and find steady footing and inspiration in Black tradition.


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