The big four

Author: Agatha Christie
Series: Hercule Poirot #5
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Original publication date: January 1927
Book Description (from Good Reads): Framed in the doorway of Poirot’s bedroom stood an uninvited guest, coated from head to foot in dust. The man’s gaunt face stared for a moment, then he swayed and fell. Who was he? Was he suffering from shock or just exhaustion? Above all, what was the significance of the figure 4, scribbled over and over again on a sheet of paper? Poirot finds himself plunged into a world of international intrigue, risking his life to uncover the truth about ‘Number Four’


This story we follow Poirot and we see Hastings return to his old mate. Hasting has moved to South America with his wife, He decided to surprise Poirot in a visit to England and just as they meet Poirot is getting ready to leave for South America after accepting a very lucrative new task.
In the end, they do not return to South America and get pulled into a huge complot of the Big Four, a super-secret worldwide organization with leaders from a few select countries.
This is a comedic crime mystery story, we have once more a few super lucky guesses and Poirot is a clairvoyant. 
Poirot is not humble at all but he does show his appreciation for Hastings in a  way, even if he continues to act in a way to make Hasting live in a lie as in order to have him behave in a way that is convenient for his plan.
It is once more annoying to see Poirot, not sure if he is supposed to be unlikeable but I find him annoying.

Still the story is interesting.
You see the plan upon plans of the Four and Poirot so its a good story to read in a single seating if you have time, you need to find out what happens, imagine this is like Oceans Eleven type of story.

Extra notes:
This is the 5th work set following the detective Hercule Poirot, Agatha Christie still had several other detective stories and other works, I am still in the beginnings of her career. I am amazed by how much imagination she had to come up with ideas on the criminals and "very clever ways" for her detectives to solve it.
As I am going in chronological order this is the ninth book published considering this is already the 6th month of the year I am not going to be done with her works by the end of the year as I had hoped I still have 69 more works to get to.
I am not going to read 11-12 books per month for several reasons
1. Most of my books by her come from Scribd and in most cases are only in Audiobook and they are limited to 3-4 per month before you get the nice notice that you need t wait for the renewal of the month. I understand they can't allow you to read all audiobooks in a single month.
2. I have a lot of ambitious reading plans for the whole year already.


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