Birthstone Book Tag

So I saw this book tag in Zoe's Channel
Jay's Video (Original)
And I obviously want to try it, so here we go!

The Questions: 
1. January (GARNET): Associated with warding off negative forces and dark energies - Name a book with the darkest/evilest character you can think of. 

The farseer trilogy by Robin Hobb the most wicked man is Regal, he is the worst, conspiring to gain the crown, not caring about his family at all, he has no compassion or care for anyone but himself. He passes judgment on everyone thinking the worst and still, he has the audacity to believe himself to be acting on the defense and be provoked, it is angering to see how good he was fooling others to believing in his innocence and believing him to be a good decent person. 
We follow Fitz, the bastard son of the King in waiting the oldest of three siblings, he abdicated and the second brother Verity takes his place as King in waiting, but Regal is not satisfied with being left out, we have a lot of intrigues and backstabbing while a struggle for power takes place. Fitz is just caught in the middle whether he likes it or not. 

2. February (AMETHYST): Purple is associated with royalty - Name a book with regal qualities... You can base this off of characters or choose the King of all books 

For this I will go with a character, Winter from the lunar chronicles by Marissa Meyer. She was a sweet and kind princess, she was humble, kind, and cared about her subjects. She stopped using her ability because she did not want to be manipulating others around her and she was always trying to do what was the best for others. She is a true princess. 
This is a retelling of Snow White, with a royal queen from the moon and the plan to marry the stronger emperor of Earth to get political influence. 

3. March (AQUAMARINE): Washed out - Name a 'wishy washy' character, a character who is not strong or a follower 

Magnus Bane from the Shadowhunters series, I have like him best for some reason even if his participation was very small in the first few books. 
So the Shadowhunters world very well known, people either hate it or love it, I like the idea and the characters but the stories are not always catching my attention, so maybe it gives it a try you might fall into the porcent of people who love it!

4. April (DIAMOND): A diamond in the rough - Name a book that you loved but is not well known 

Orbiting Jupiter by Gary D. Schmidt This is heart-wrenching story about Jack accepting his adoptive brother and as he gets to know Joseph, they grow close and become a true family. 
We see teenagers who are not ready to face the world be parents and try actually want to be, society is not always kind to everyone and fear and distrust can make you see a wonderful family as the worst kind of punishment. This is a great story, I loved it!
Not sure how unknow this is, but I certainly do not see many people talking about it.

5. May (EMERALD): Said to balance energy - Name two characters who balance each other well 

Ronan Lynch and Adam Parrish from The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater.
One is a dreamer through and through but gives a harsh image trying to act tough and uncaring, the other a very down to earth and naive in nature, too kind for his own afraid of violence especially of his own.

6. June (PEARL): Associated with loyalty - Name a character who is loyal to the end 

Sam from Lord of the rings by J.RR Tolkein!!

7. July (RUBY): Blood red - Name a book that made your blood boil, one that made you angry 

Please take  a look in he first question, but from that trilogy, the be book that made the boil was the second Royal assassin by Robin Hobb

8. August (PERIDOT): Pale green (it pales in comparison to other gems) - Name a supporting character who you like better than the main character 

Nick Andros in the Stand by Stephen King, I really like him and Tom Cullen I enjoyed their perspective in the story.

This is the story of a group of people who survive an epidemic flu that escapes from a military facility. People start to have dreams of a man who seems to be evil and of an old woman who inspires safety, the survivors must race time and the elements to try to reach the old woman and find out why they seem so scared of the man in black they continue to see in their nightmares. 

9. September (SAPPHIRE): Blue like the ocean which is calming - Name a book that had a calming affect on you 

This is probably my most reread book of all time, we follow an actress who has a car accident on her way to a cabin in a mountain, she is rescued and discovers when she wakes up her husband is missing as the search continues she realizes the wonderful marriage they had was a mirage. She needs to uncover the truth of the man she thought loved and also figure out what happened to him. 

10. October (OPAL): Iridescent - Name an iridescent book, this can be a book with a beautiful cover (Shiny? Lots of colour?) or you can base it off of a character (Quirky? Colourful?) 

Nahri accidentally summons an equally sly, darkly mysterious djinn warrior to her side during one of her cons, she’s forced to accept that the magical world she thought only existed in childhood stories is real. For the warrior tells her a new tale: across hot, windswept sands teeming with creatures of fire, and rivers where the mythical marid sleep; past ruins of once-magnificent human metropolises, and mountains where the circling hawks are not what they seem, lies Daevabad, the legendary city of brass, a city to which Nahri is irrevocably bound.

11. November (TOPAZ): Associated with resilience - Name a books with a character who rises to the top in a time of adversity 

What best example than those who set out to do the impossible, overthrow an empire that had not had a significant rebellion in centuries? One of the best fantasy stories out there.

12. December (BLUE ZIRCON): Associated with friendship - Name a book with a friendship you want to be apart of

This follow a nice trio, Call, Tamara and Aaron mainly they for a group of apprentices under one of the most powerful mages of all times, but there is something lurking, the big evil is out there. Aaron is defined to defeat him and Call has a lot of secrets to uncover but they prove that friendship defeats every other obstacle out there!


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